What does divinity taste like
What does divinity taste like

what does divinity taste like

There has been a lot of energetic bush-wacking by fellow older Lightworkers since the 70’s which helped open the way. The more grounded I become, the better I feel in my body. In the past 20+ years however, grounding has become essential to my happiness. I was not thinking of it as Embodiment, because being on the Earth was not priority to me for the first 20 years of my spiritual practice.

what does divinity taste like

It was the most important thing for me to do when I first opened to my Soul Path in the 70’s.

what does divinity taste like

It feels like I have spent years creating the energy field that would allow me to fill myself with God’s Light. We have been hearing so much about this idea of Embodiment, but have you ever wondered what it means?

What does divinity taste like